Implementing the GCTF Good Practices on Strengthening National-Local Cooperation in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism

Published by Strong Cities Network

P/CVE in East and Southern Africa

As part of a broader GCTF initiative to implement the Good Practices led by the Strong Cities Network (SCN) and with funding support from the European Union’s (EU) Counter-Terrorism Monitoring, Reporting and Support Mechanism (CT MORSE), the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) was tasked with taking stock of the implementation of the 13 Good Practices across nine countries in eastern and southern Africa, namely Ethiopia, Mozambique, Somalia, Tanzania, Djibouti, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda.

The mapping reveals that only a few have even made a start in establishing national P/CVE frameworks, let alone at the local level. Only Kenya has made progress against every one of the Good Practices. Other countries, namely Somalia and Uganda, have produced national frameworks for P/CVE. Both outline whole-of-society approaches and talk about ways in which local actors and national governments can work together. However, neither have made significant progress in implementing these plans. A third category, including Djibouti, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Mozambique, have engaged with non-coercive approaches to countering the threat of violent extremism (VE) but lack the formal frameworks or legislation to guide work in this sector. Finally, Burundi, Rwanda and South Sudan have to date failed to engage in P/CVE and have conducted negligible work in this space.

This research informed a SCN toolkit providing guidance and support to stakeholders with regards to adopting the Global Counterterrorism Forum’s Memorandum on Good Practices on Strengthening NLC in P/CVE Conducive to Terrorism.

Christopher Hockey

Senior Research Fellow

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Michael Jones

Research Fellow

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Timothy Kimaiyo

Project Assistant

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