Suzanne Raine

RUSI Trustee



Suzanne Raine served in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 1995-2019, including postings in Poland, Iraq (2003) and Pakistan (2006-9).  She worked primarily on national security issues and specialised in counter-terrorism, holding a number of senior domestic appointments including Head of the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre from 2015-2017.  She was also a senior member of the HMG’s assessment community and is particularly interested in the role of assessment in strategic decision making at a time of crisis. 

Suzanne was born in Germany and educated at Peterhouse, Cambridge where she was awarded a double first in history, specialising in German history.  She is now an affiliated lecturer at the Forum on Geopolitics, Cambridge University and member of the Board of Trustees of the Imperial War Museum. 

Taskforce Member

RUSI State Threats Taskforce (STT)

RUSI’s State Threats Taskforce (STT) aims to support the UK and its partners in detecting, understanding, attributing and responding to the spectrum of complex state threats currently facing democracies.

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