Galen Lamphere-Englund
Associate Fellow
Galen Lamphere-Englund is a senior research and management consultant at the nexus of violent extremism, conflict, and tech issues. For over a decade, he has examined how various forms of radicalisation can lead to violence and how to foster resilience to societal divides. Galen has led global research for humanitarian and development NGOs, United Nations agencies, governments, think tanks, and many of the largest tech platforms. He currently convenes the Extremism and Gaming Research Network, of which RUSI is a founding member, and is a Preventing & Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) advisor to a range of clients.
He has led investigations and strategic communications to prevent violent extremism and terrorism (P/CVE), as well as to support humanitarian response and human rights in 30+ countries spanning Southeast Asia and the Pacific, the Balkans, East Africa, and across Europe and the US. At Love Frankie, the Asia-Pacific M&C Saatchi World Services Partner, he built a regional conflict and P/CVE portfolio while leading an innovative research team to produce over 200 analytical products for, among others: USAID, GIZ, Meta/Facebook,, YouTube, the British Council, DFAT/DHA, and UNDP/UNOHCHR. He has also worked and consulted with clients including Hedayah, the US Institute of Peace (USIP), the Refugee Affairs Division of DHS/USCIS, the Institute for International Criminal Investigations (IICI), ONE Campaign, the International Rescue Committee, REACH/IMPACT Initiatives, and many others.
Galen holds an MA in Public Policy from Central European University, an MA in Development & Public Policy from the Institute Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, and BA in Global Studies from Arizona State University. Along the way, he has worked and lived in over sixty nations.