Ambassador Jonathan R. Cohen
Distinguished Fellow
Ambassador Jonathan R. Cohen is a strategic advisor and international consultant who served as a US diplomat for over thirty-five years, including as Ambassador to Egypt and the United Nations, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia covering Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus, as Deputy Chief of Mission in Baghdad and Nicosia and as Acting Deputy Chief of Mission in Paris.
His other assignments include Political Minister Counsellor in Paris, Political Military Counsellor in Rome, Political Advisor to Operation Northern Watch/Iraq Watcher in Ankara, Political Advisor to the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance-North in Irbil, member of the Coalition Provisional Authority Governance Team in Baghdad, Political Officer in Stockholm, Liaison to the Hungarian Chairmanship of the OSCE and Executive Assistant to the Head of the OSCE Bosnia Mission in Vienna, OSCE and NATO/Bosnia Officer at the State Department, and Secretariat Staff/Advance Team member for Secretaries of State Baker, Eagleburger and Christopher. Earlier in his career he was USAID Coordinator and Economic Officer for the West Bank at the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem and Refugee Protection Officer in Bangkok.
Ambassador Cohen is the recipient of a Presidential Rank Award for sustained superior accomplishment in foreign policy, the State Department’s Charles Cobb Award for success in trade development and promotion and the James Clement Dunn Award for Excellence, a Distinguished Honor Award, and multiple Superior Honor Awards.
Born in Palo Alto, California in 1964, Ambassador Cohen grew up there and in Laguna Beach, California. He graduated with an AB in Politics and a Certificate in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton University in 1985 and attended Georgetown University’s Master of Science in Foreign Service Programme in 1986.