Episode 17: FATF’s Impact on Financial Inclusion

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has committed to promoting financial inclusion via the proportionate implementation of its standards. Yet, approximately 1.7 billion people globally have no access to a bank or mobile money account. Clearly, there is more work to be done.

CFCS’s Isabella Chase joins Alanna Putze to discuss the impact of FATF on digital financial inclusion and the steps that it can take to promote broader access to finance, while maintaining global financial crime controls.

Financial Crime Insights Podcast Series

Financial Crime Insights is a collection of discussions from past CFCS webinars and events with top financial crime thinkers, as well as behind-the-scenes research interviews with the CFCS team. The topics they discuss remain timely and our aim is to bring these insights from the computer screen to our listeners who are on the go.


Alanna Putze

Senior Corporate Partnership Manager

Business Development

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Isabella Chase

Associate Fellow; Former CFCS Senior Research Fellow, RUSI

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