Episode 10: Counter Terrorism Financing: Does the Current Global Approach Work?

Twenty years on from the 9/11 attacks, has the global response to terrorist financing adapted alongside the evolving risk landscape?

The CFCS’s Tom Keatinge is joined by Rachel Love from Standard Chartered Bank and Professor Jimmy Gurulé from Notre Dame Law School in the US to discuss the CFCS’s recent paper, ‘A sharper image: Advancing a Risk-Based Response to Terrorist Financing’ and examine the current state of counterterrorist financing efforts.

Financial Crime Insights Podcast Series

Financial Crime Insights is a collection of discussions from past CFCS webinars and events with top financial crime thinkers. The topics they discuss remain timely and our aim is to bring these insights from the computer screen to our listeners who are on the go.

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Tom Keatinge

Director, CFS

Centre for Finance and Security

View profile


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